Bay Area
CEO & Co-Founder: Relyance.AI
      Advisor: Unusual Ventures
      Prev: Founding Member / Head of Analytics & ML: FogHorn Systems
abhisharma.b at gmail dot com

I was born in Northern India (close to the Himalayan range) and studied CS and Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Always open to chatting more about wine, startups, intelligence augmentation with AI, longevity, human progress, and incentives.

If you are a first-time founder, ready to bootstrap, raise a seed round, need technology or VC advice, or just want to bounce off ideas, feel free to reach out.

Channels: GitHub | LinkedIn

Areas of Tech Interests and Expertise:
1.Large Scale Distributed Systems & Edge Computing
2.FP, Compiler Design, & High-Performance Artificial Intelligence (AI) Runtime
3.Intelligence Augmentation (IA) & Tools for Thought
4.Augmented Reality (AR) for Cognitive Assistance
5.Technology at the Intersection of Domains
6.Study of Human Progress